熱海駅前の足湯に浸かる人々が、場所と風景のズレのせいで足湯に浸からなければいけない生き物に見えた。足をむき出しにする無防備さは熱海という街と溶け合う。プリニウスの『博物誌』で取り上げられるスキアポデスをなぜか思い出し、目の前で足湯に浸かる人々の足について思いを馳せた。 Observing people soaking their feet in the footbath in front of Atami Station, the dislocation of place and landscape made them appear as creatures compelled to immerse themselves. The vulnerability of their exposed feet seemed to blend into the city of Atami itself. This scene oddly reminded me of the Sciapodes, mentioned in Pliny's "Natural History," leading me to ponder the feet of those immersed before me. © ATAMI ART LINK 2024, Artwork by Miki Ishiyama, A foot bath
北海道生まれ。関東在住。2022年に多摩美術大学美術学部絵画学科油画専攻を卒業後、2024年に東京藝術大学院美術研究科油画研究分野絵画専攻修士課程を修了。象徴主義的な神秘主義、人類の信仰心などに興味を持ち、文化人類学を通して人間の感情という現代の我々に必要不可欠な命題を再定義する制作研究を行う。 近年は東ヨーロッパへの宗教施設や墓地、祝祭や民族文化といったリサーチから、作品を通して『悪』を考える。 Miki Ishiyama completed her BA in oil painting at Tama Art University in 2022 and her MA in painting at oil-painting department of Tokyo University of the Arts. in 2024. Born in Hokkaido and now lives and works in the Kanto area. As she is particularly interested in symbolist mysticism and religious beliefs for human beings, she has conducted research that redefines the essential proposition of human emotions, a proposition that is essential for us today through cultural anthropology, he. In recent years, Ishiyama's research has extended to religious sites, cemeteries, festivals and ethnic cultures in Eastern Europe, and she questions what is 'evil' through artworks.