


アーティストのアトリエから出る魅力的な廃材を"副産物"と呼び、回収、販売する資材循環プロジェクト。作品の制作過程で副次的に生まれてくる"副産物"は、アトリエの片隅に置かれいずれは捨てられる運命にあったモノたちです。それぞれの作家の感性を帯びた作品未満のそれらのモノたちに敢えてスポットを当てることで、ものの価値や可能性について改めて考える機会をつくりたいと思っています。主な展覧会は、MIND TRAIL 2023 奥大和 心のなかの美術館(奈良)やんばるアートフェスティバル2019-2020(沖縄)、かめおか霧の芸術祭(京都)など。京都を拠点に活動。 Byproducts Market is a material-recycling project that collects and sells attractive waste materials, or "by-products" from artists' studios. The 'by-products' that are created during art production process are things that were destined to be left in a corner of a studio and eventually discarded. By daring to shine a spotlight on these objects that are not quite artists' works but are nevertheless imbued with artists' sensibility, Yazu and Yamada want to create an opportunity to rethink the value and possibilities of them. Major exhibitions include MIND TRAIL 2023 Okuyamato (Nara), Yanbaru Art Festival 2019-2020 (Okinawa) and Kameoka KIRI Art Cultivation (Kyoto). Based in Kyoto.