1993年生まれ。神奈川県川崎市出身。実家は自営業のクリーニング屋だった。世界旅行、事業開発を経てIAMAS(情報科学芸術大学院大学)博士前期課程に在籍。松尾芭蕉が『奥の細道』の結びの地とした岐阜県大垣市への引越しをきっかけに「モビル文学」シリーズの作品制作を開始。芭蕉の意志を継ぎ世界中の街での発表を志す。近年参加した主な展示として六本木アートナイト2023「都市のいきもの図鑑」 Born in Kawasaki, Kanagawa prefecture to a dry cleaner family in 1993. After travelling around the world and working in business development, Shimura is currently enrolled in the PhD programme at IAMAS (Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences). He started creating the 'Mobile Literature' series when he moved to Ogaki in Gifu prefecture, where the Japanese poet Matsuo Basho had conclueded his journey of the 'Oku no Hosomichi' (The Narrow Road to the Deep North) . Following Basho's will, he aspires to present his work in cities around the world. Major exhibitions in recent years include Roppongi Art Night 2023: Urban Life Encyclopedia.