You don't know what you're looking for, but you would find it anyway長嶺慶治郎
You don't know what you're looking for, but you would find it anyway
現在の価格15,000 円
You don't know what you're looking for, but you would find it anyway ※This piece will become an audio data work. It will be converted into audio data within your wallet after September 16. ※NFT購入後、入力いただいたメールアドレス宛に後日、オンラインチケットの送付と限定コミュニティ招待リンクを送付いたします。 ※After purchasing the NFT, we will send the online ticket and the invitation link to the limited community to the email address you provided at a later date.
- Contract Address0x80dBF6…682f
- Token ID38
- Media Typeaudio
- Royalty10
- Blockchainpolygon
© ATAMI ART LINK 2024, Artwork by Keijiro Nagamine, You don't know what you're looking for, but you would find it anyway