制作中行き詰まりを感じて何を思いついてもダメだと悲観的になってしまう自分に思いきりバッテンを突き付けてみた。すごく気分が晴れた。 ※この作品は、映像データ作品になります。9/16以降に、ウォレット内で映像データへ変換されます。 I felt stuck during production, becoming pessimistic that no matter what I came up with, it wouldn't work. I pressed the “wrong” button to myself, and I felt so much better. ※This piece will become a video data work. It will be converted into video data within your wallet after September 16. © ATAMI ART LINK 2024, Artwork by Tomonosuke Kurachi, emotion
1997年愛知県生まれ。東京藝術大学映像研究科メディア映像専攻卒業。現在は東京を拠点に活動 。日常生活のなかで脈略なく発生する「可笑しさ」と、それを生じさせる事物の振る舞いに着目し、映像を軸としたインスタレーションを中心に制作を行う。 Kurachi completed his BA in Media Imaging at Tokyo University of the Art. Born in Aichi prefecture in 1997, his work focuses on the "humor" that happens in everyday life out of sequence as well as the way things that give rise to it are. His preferred medium is installations with moivng images. Based in Tokyo.