私の作品は、女性の身体、人工知能、そして芸術における歴史的表現との複雑な関係を探求するものである。AIの画像生成技術を用いることで、古典絵画における伝統的な女性の描写がどのように変容し、認識できないほど歪められ、意図的に認識の境界を押し広げることができるかを調査する。 出来上がったイメージは意図的に素朴で不穏なものとなり、従来の美とアイデンティティの概念に挑戦する。この方法により、歴史的な女性の芸術的表象やAI技術そのものに埋め込まれた偶発的な象徴性や内在する偏見と向き合うことができる。各々の歪んだ姿は暗号となり、美術史から現代に至るまでの女性の姿にまつわる規範や期待に疑問を投げかけ、鑑賞者を誘う。 My work is an exploration of the intricate relationship between the female body, artificial intelligence, and historical representation in art. Through the use of AI image-generating technology, I investigate how traditional depictions of women in classical paintings can be transformed and distorted beyond recognition, intentionally pushing the boundaries of recognition. The resulting images are deliberately unsophisticated and unsettling, challenging conventional notions of beauty and identity. This method allows me to confront the contingent symbolism and inherent biases embedded in historical artistic representations of women, as well as in AI technology itself. Each distorted figure becomes a cipher, inviting viewers to question the norms and expectations associated with the female form from art history to the present day. © ATAMI ART LINK 2024, Artwork by Lea Embeli, Pseudo_Susanna
ARTISTLea Embeli
1994年セルビアのパンチェヴォ生まれ。2017年に藝術大学応用芸術学部応用絵画学科を卒業、2018年に修士課程を修了。 教育・科学・技術開発省とセルビアの若い才能のための財団より奨学金を授与される。学業成績優秀者に贈られる アレクサンダル・トマシェヴィッチ賞、応用絵画分野の ULUPUDS賞、若手アーティストに贈られるヴチュコヴィッチ賞を受賞。2021年、文部科学省の奨学金を得て、東京藝術大学油画研究科に研究生として留学し、2023 年に2 度目の修士 課程に進む。 絵画のほか、2016年からは「Zavod」や「Kreativni centar」、フランスの出版社「Fleurus」などで本の挿絵を手がける。また、セルビアのToBlink StudiosやポーランドのAnimoon Studiosなどのスタジオでキャラクターデザイナーやコンセプトアーティストとしてアニメーションの仕事にも携わる。また、2019年から2020年まで、ベオグラードの応用芸術学部で絵画技法のティーチングアシスタントを務めた。多文化・学際的な芸術集団 (O)Kamemochiの一員。 Lea Embeli (b.1994. Pančevo, Serbia) is a painter, illustrator and concept artist. She graduated from the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade in the Department of Applied Painting, where she also completed her MA studies. During her studies, she was awarded multiple scholarships such as the scholarship of the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development, as well as the Dositej scholarship from the Foundation for Young Talents. She is the winner of the Aleksandar Tomašević Award for academic success, the ULUPUDS award in the field of applied painting, and the Vučković award for young artists from her hometown, Pančevo. In 2021, she received the MEXT Japanese government scholarship for research at the University of Art in Tokyo in oil painting, where she continued to be a regular student working on her second MA since April 2023. Apart from painting, in 2016 she began to illustrate books for ”Zavod”, “Bigz”, and “Kreativni centar” as well as the French publisher “Fleurus” . She has also worked in animation as a character designer and concept artist for studios such as ToBlink Studios and Bunker from Serbia and Animoon Studios from Poland. She has also worked at the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade, as a teaching assistant in the subject of painting techniques. A member of the intercultural and interdisciplinary arts collective (O)Kamemochi.